August 5, 2009 Minutes

August 5, 2009 (2:00 p.m.)

In Attendance:  Brent Taylor (President), CeCelia Zarbock (Secretary), Cindy Sweeten (Secretary Elect), Sam Francis (Waste Water), Jenny Starley (Fire), Reta Trimble (President Elect), Chris Morgan (Engineering), Sharon Isaacson (Library), Skip Tandy (Past President), Cathy Jackson, (Parks & Recreation), Kristen Craft (Finance/IS/Mayors/Facilities/Council/HR/Court), Kevin Taylor (New Rep - Energy)

Excused: Bob Stowe (Public Services), Dan Stowe (Police), Richard Snyder (Water)

Items Discussed

1. Minute Corrections

Changes were made to the July 1, 2009 minutes. The amended minutes were approved. Reta Trimble made a motion to approve the minutes, it was seconded by Jenny Starley.

2. Employee of the Month

a. Employee of the month for August is Janet Hurd from Water
b. Employee of the month for September will be the Library

3. Summer Party Assignments

Agustin Avolos needs to be contacted to set up the sound system. CeCelia will contact him to make sure it will be there for the party.

4. Hardship Fund

We received a request for funds from the Hardship Fund for a person who is ill with large medical costs. The policy governing the Hardship Fund was discussed. It was noted that it takes four members to approve a Hardship award - The Past President, Current President, President-Elect, and one other Board member as chosen by the officers. Discussion was also held on recruiting non-members to contribute to the hardship fund since it is available to all employees.

5. Walk-a-thon Sponsorship

There is a walk-a-thon coming up and the Mayor’s office asked the Association if our organization would like to be a sponsor. After discussion on the type of involvement i.e. getting sponsors for individual participants and donations, the Board decided that we would not be a sponsor.

6. Meet the Candidates

The Association will sponsor a “meet the candidate” event. Brent and Reta will follow up with Helen Anderson to discuss dates and Channel 17 coverage.

7. Policy #7

Policy #7 concerning the Terry Herbert Service Award was signed and put into effect, which is that the outgoing President receives a plaque for their service.

Cathy Jackson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Kevin Taylor.