Who We Are

The History of the Association

The Provo City Employees’ Association was created in the1960s. A group of concerned employees got together and decided to create an Association whereby the employees would be able to communicate with the Administration without joining or creating a union, an Association that would recognize and reward outstanding employee performance, and an Association that would promote camaraderie and unity among employees.   We owe a number of our best benefits to the numerous dedicated individuals that have served on the association and their friendly negotiations with past administrations.

The original Association created a set of Bylaws which are available for your review. Over the years a number of updates or revisions have been made to the bylaws with the advice of the officers and the consent of the Executive Board.

The Association officers consist of a current President, a President Elect who will serve as the next President, and a Past President. We have a Secretary for the Association as well as a Secretary Elect. The reason we have a President Elect and Secretary Elect is so that there will be continuity in leadership and so that duties can be divided in order to reduce the workload for each officer.   It takes a year of “internship” to be prepared to step in as President and Secretary of the organization.

The Association also has an Executive Board. The Executive Board consists of the Officers and also elected representatives from various department groups. Each department does not have a separate representative. This has been the policy for many years, partially due to the fact that there are many departments, some of which are very small. It was determined that it would be more efficient to group departments together creating a total of 11 dept. groups. This grouping of departments worked out well for selecting the employees of the month, with the final month being an election for employee of the year.

Each month the Executive Board meets for one hour to discuss items of concern among employees and any potential items to discuss with the Mayor. At the meeting, minutes are taken and later posted for employees to review. This meeting is held the first Wednesday of every month. Employees should talk to their representative or an officer if they have issues they would like to have discussed at the meeting.

On the third Monday of the month, the officers have historically met with the Administrative team. In the past this team meeting has included the Mayor, CAO, HR Director and Finance Director along with the three Association presidents and both secretaries. Under a new Administration, this monthly meeting has not been officially established, but we are confident that there will be regular meetings but they may be scheduled at a different time. The issues discussed in the Administration/Association meeting are then reported at the Executive Board meeting where all the representatives are informed about the discussion items.

It is important for employees to let your representatives and/or officers know of any concerns that you would like to have discussed at these meetings. The Employees’ Association is your Association.