Employees Hardship Fund

The Employee Hardship Fund is an account funded by voluntary contributions that employees can make in order to help out fellow employees who may be in need of temporary financial assistance.  The Hardship Fund has been used to help a number of employees over the years including those with catastrophic illness, loss of family members, and other family emergencies that are unforeseen and create difficulties for employees.  A committee of four Board members is set up to review requests for use of hardship fund monies.  Approval of a request requires a unanimous decision among those four members.  Since this fund is replenished only through the voluntary donations of fellow employees, the committee takes great care in dispensing funds and recognizes the responsibility and trust that goes with such decisions.  The assistance does not require a request from the person affected but can also be requested by a supervisor or co-worker on behalf of the employee in need.

To contribute to the Employee's Hardship Fund, use the payroll deduction form.