Employee of the Month Schedule

Employee of the Month Schedule

Updated October 2018

Rep. Josh Yost

  • Community Development - Admin & Bldg Insp
  • Council
  • Customer Service - Parking, Billing, Call Cntr, Licensing
  • Mayor's Office
  • Mayor's Office - Economic Development
  • Mayor's Office - Media Services
  • Redevelopment
Total Regular Employees: 91

Rep. Jean Wallace

  • Admin Srvc - Admin
  • Admin Srvc - Facilities
  • Admin Srvc - Finance / Treasury / Accounting / Purchasing / Recorder
  • Admin Srvc - Human Resources
  • Admin Srvc - Information Systems
  • Admin Srvc - Justice Court
  • Legal
Total Regular Employees: 70

Rep. Bobbie Randall

  • P&R - Aquatics
  • P&R - Rec Center Ops
Total Regular Employees: 263

Rep. Sam Armstrong, Barrett Anderson, Johnathan Allen

  • Fire
Total Regular Employees: 81

June - City Wide

Rep. Bobbie Randall

  • P&R - Admin
  • P&R - Adult Sports, Ballfield
  • P&R - Community Programs
  • P&R - Special Events
  • P&R - Covey Arts
  • P&R - Golf Course
  • P&R - Cemetery
  • P&R - Peaks Arena
  • P&R - Parks Maintenance, Urban Forestry
  • P&R - Projects
Total Regular Employees: 143

Rep. Char Gardner

  • Police - Patrol (Shifts, Animal Control, Traffic, K9)
Total Regular Employees: 74

Rep. Shaina Robbins

  • Library - Adm., Custodial, Circulation, Comm & Lib Events, Com Relations, Childrens, IS, Reference, Tech Svcs
Total Regular Employees: 89

Rep. Kade Hubbs, David Torgersen, Laine Oryall

  • PW - Admin & Streets (Laine)
  • PW - Airport (Laine)
  • PW - Engineering (Kade)
  • PW - Sanitation (Laine)
  • PW - Storm Water Services District (David)
  • PW - Vehicle Management (Laine)
  • PW - Water; Admin, Sources, Dist, Reclamation, WW Collect (David)
Total Regular Employees: 139

Rep. Char Gardner

  • Police - Admin, CID (Victims), OP Support (Records, X-Guards, Task Force, Admin, Qtr Mstr), Patrol (Admin), Fire (PS Dispatch), Special Ops (Admin, Task Force, SRO, COP/SET), CID (Units)
Total Regular Employees: 136

December - Employee of the Year