How to Join

Becoming a Provo City Employee Association (EA) Member is Easy!

1. Add your Name, Employee ID and then Sign and Date the Payroll Deduction Form

           Consider adding an additional deduction amount to the Provo City Employees Association Hardship Fund 
           to help other City Employees in times of need. We recommend $1.

2. Submit the form to Human Resources so they can set up your deduction

3. Sign up for our mailing list and follow us on Facebook so you can stay on top of breaking news and events. 

That's it!

Member Benefits Include

  • Your actively supporting the importance of a good relationship with City Officials and City Employees.
  • An employee resource to discuss ideas, questions, and concerns with City Administration. 
  • Increase your professional network and interdepartmental connections.
  • Special ticket pricing for the Summer and Winter Holiday Parties.
  • A bonus gift with your Winter Holiday party ticket.
  • Be entered into a prize drawing with your Summer party ticket.
  • Acceptance into the Members-Only Facebook Group.

Why Should You Contribute to the Hardship Fund?

It's hard to predict future events. Your donation to the Hardship Fund offer assistance to our fellow employees in their time of need. Any regular City employee is eligible to request assistance from the Hardship Fund, whether they are an Association member or not.

Simply complete the Payroll Deduction Form and return it to the Human Resources office.